«The Grace of God and the will of the Holy Mother of God: Russian theologians on the Catholic Dogma of 1854». Platon (Nikolai Kudlasevich), Hieromonk, PhD in Theology, Lecturer Sretenka Theological Academy Brethren of the Sretenka Stauropegial Monastery .
«The genesis of the Protestant doctrine on the universal priesthood of believers». Artemiy Kokosh, Priest, MA in Theology, Assistant Lecturer Nikolo‑Ugreshskaya Theological Seminary PhD Student Department of Theological Disciplines Sretenka Theological Academy .
С. 47-67 «К вопросу о христианской природе дуализма свободы у Н. А. Бердяева и ее связи со спасением личности». Максимов Андрей Олегович, магистрант программы Внешние церковные связи Общецерковной аспирантуры и докторантуры имени святых равноапостольных Кирилла и Мефодия.
«More on the Christian nature of the dualism of freedom in N.A. Berdyaev’s philosophy and its connection with the salvation of a person». Andrey Maksimov, Master’s Degree Student in the Program External Church Relations Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies.
«The system of atheistic propaganda in the period of Khrushchev’s anti‑religious campaign 1958–1964 (based on archival materials of Kalinin region)». Isidor (Roman Tupikin), Metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh, PhD in Law, PhD in Theology, Rector Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary .
«Charitable activities of the Orthodox Church Brotherhoods in Stavropol Province in the 19th – early 20th centuries». Boris Chekanov, Priest Senior Lecturer Department of Historical and Socio‑Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology Pyatigorsk State University; Sergey Linets, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Department of Historical and Socio‑Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology Pyatigorsk State University; Elina Bogdanova, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Department of Historical and Socio‑Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology Pyatigorsk State University.
«Educational issues in the system of primary public education (by the materials of the Congress of District Inspectors of Parochial Schools of Tambov Diocese in 1916)». Aleksadr Bykanov, Priest, Senior Lecturer Department of Biblical Studies, Theology and Church History Tambov Theological Seminary.
«Diocesan congresses at the beginning of the 20th century as a form of Church and public activities of the parish clergy of Tula diocese». Petr Rezukhin, Priest, Assistant Professor Tula Theological Seminary.
«Holy martyr Kirill (Smirnov) as a spiritual advisor of Tambov monks (based on the materials of the sermons of 1910–1915)». Feodosy (Sergey Vasnev), Metropolitan of Tambov and Rasskazovo, Doctor of Theology, PhD in Theology, Rector of Tambov Theological Seminary.
«Testing of modern educational technologies within the framework of the course “The Holy Scripture of the New Testament” (Section “Epistles of the Apostle Paul”)». Antony Davidenko, Priest, Vice‑Rector for Academic Affairs Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary Saratov Diocese The Russian Orthodox Church.
«Liturgical tradition of the Valaam Monastery: from 1989 to present». Grigory (Grigory Sergeev), Hierodeacon, PhD student Applied Church Disciplines Department Moscow Theological Academy.
«On the question of differential features of religious style and its place in the stylistic system of the modern Russian language». Elena Grudinina, PhD in Philology, Vice‑Rector for Research, Director of Master’s Programs Tambov Theological Seminary.
«The image of the revolution in I.A. Bunin’s prose in respect of the aspect of Christian Spiritual culture (based on selected stories of the 1920s)». Evgeny Dynich, Priest, PhD Student Department of Philology Moscow Theological Academy.
«The concept of mercy in life and works of St. Luke (Voyno‑Yasenetsky): on the materials of the Tambov period (1944–1946)». Oleg Tolstykh, Priest, Second Year Master Degree Student Tambov Theological Seminary
Field of Study: 48.04.01 Theology Major: Russian Spiritual Literature.